
Kai's Fiber

Now, please understand that this llama fiber came straight off Kai, with
all the vm (vegetation matter), mud (not much) and 
what we think was a nice smell of llama!
Needless to say we couldn't spin it in this condition, so back to
google for some help and help I received.
We learned that the process of prepping the fiber was
Of coarse with the simplicity there was some very
important steps to follow in assuring that the fiber
would not felt in the process.

Here is the raw fleece with a sweet note from Danni

And here is the Lovely Kai, such a beauty!!

AbbiYah picking out vm and mud

YahChanna meticulously picking out vm

OK, the reason for taking the temp is we wanted to know
how hot the water was when we started.

a tablespoon of liquid Dawn Soap

Immerse/soak the fleece, it is important not to agitate or
move the fleece around too much, it can felt.  So, press it down
for about 30 seconds, release and let it alone!

Set the timer for 30 min.

When the 30 minutes are up, take the temp of the water, this is an
important step, because fluctuation of water temps can,
yes you guessed it, felt the fiber.

ever so gently squeeze just once maybe twice the excess water
out of the fiber, why gently... don't want to felt the fiber

Kai's fleece didn't look that dirty to us
but the water says other wise.  I found out while 
searching out about Llama's they love to roll in the dirt!

OK, to rinse the fiber they filled the tub with the same temp water no soap this
time and immersed the fiber again, just hold under for about 30 seconds and let it alone

after 30 min, gently squeeze the excess water out

Well, the water isn't very clear so they rinsed again 
since I posted the pics of the first rinse I didn't
see the need to repeat, so no pics of the second rinse

We gently placed the wet fiber onto a thick dry towel, rolled it
up and walked on it.  We did this twice with a fresh dry towel
because we didn't have any framed screen to dry it outside
in, it worked for us.  The result dry fiber!

After the fiber dried, it needs to be picked out, to loosen it up and
free the fibers of any mats.  While doing this process we removed
the vm we missed the first round.
The above pic is Kai's clean ready to be
carded fiber.  Oh carding?  That's for
another day ;-)


This week one of the projects that Prairie Primer suggested was
knitting.  My girls already know how to knit, however
they don't know how to spin fiber... 
They've already prepared the raw fiber to be carded.

Carding?  What is carding you ask... good question!
Carding is simply brushing the fur so that the fiber
all lays in on direction, which is needed to spin
a nice yarn.

These are carders...

kinda look like poodle brushes, don't they ;-)

first one brush er uh, carder needs to be
loaded.  I found out that it's best to
load in small sections

once loaded it's time to brush, gently, litely like
brushing hair.  Start at the bottom of the 
carder, brushing the fiber then move up
till all the fiber has been brushed through

see how the fiber is starting to all lay in one direction

once all the fiber has been brush it's time to 
take the fiber and load it onto the other empty 

I didn't get any pics but after the fiber has been carded
it should be rolled into what looks like a cigar. Then reload
the carder and start again till all the
fiber has been carded.
At this point the fiber is ready to be 
drafted- drafting is gently pull the fiber
out a short length so that what
was once a 6-7 inch cigar (pics found below spinning pics) is now
a yard of so lite fluffy strip
of fiber similar to a strip of
cotton but much liter, ready
to be spun.

here is my youngest dd trying her hand or should I
say her foot... lol at spinning...
just kick and spin....

the fiber is spinning up to the point of her
where she is pinching the fiber, getting
a good tight spin on the fiber

this last pic is her hold the fiber so that
it spins up to her finger then she'll release
and move her fingers up and hold again

there are more steps to this process, so
we'll finish carding, drafting and spinning 
all the fiber then move on
to the next step... until then
happy spinning!!

Here are some pics of what our fiber rolags look like
after carding the fiber you roll them up into rolags

1 comment:

  1. Ladies,
    I have been trying to check up on you...and came across this site...I love it! You are doing a wonderful job for YAh!
