
Big Woods Week 2

Last week was full of hands on activities, so much
so that the girls didn't get to work much on
their written assignments.  So, it was a blessing
that this week had only one hands on activity, giving
the girls time to finish up last weeks written assignments.
We are enjoying this curriculum immensely!  The girls
are learning so much and delighting in it!

In chapter four of Little House in the Big Woods, 
Pa whittles a beautiful trinket shelf for Ma, so 
the activity for this week was to watch 
a video of someone whittling.  Whittling can be
dangerous project with using a knife and all, so the
next best thing... carving soap!

This book teaches you step by step
how to carve soap...

and one of the first things to prepare
to carving is make your own tool

out of crafts sticks.  Just run the sticks
across some sandpaper and whoa la!
a carving knife for soap... and safe for 
for delicate hands and fingers!

next cut out paper the same size as the soap
draw a simple picture of something
you would like to carve, like a leaf...

trace it onto the soap like so...

and begin carving...

the end result should look something like 
your picture... a leaf

here is AbbiYah's choice, a beautiful
Shofar with the name of the creator
in Hebrew on top.

Here is all three carved soaps, YahChanna
choose to carve out a duckling floating
on water, isn't it cute!!
They had great fun, although the soap
is very soft and mistakes can 
happen if you don't take is nice
and slow with short strokes
of the wooden knives.

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